Jean Powley - Tribute

I rise today to honour the life and the fight of Jen Powley, who passed away recently due to complications of a lifelong degenerative disease. Throughout her life, Jen made it her mission to ensure that disabled people had the right to live in the home of their choosing instead of the outdated and inhumane practice of mass institutionalization.

Powley authored two books, with her most recent sharing her journey of finding and sustaining accessible housing as a disabled person, in hope that it helps others to do the same. In recent years, Jen worked on a pilot project that demonstrated how, with appropriate assistance, people with severe disabilities could live independently in homes tailored to their own lives and desires. Powley fought not just for equal rights for people with disabilities but to make clear the need for all people to thrive and have their social, psychological, and emotional needs met.

Please join me in recognizing the incredible achievements and legacy of Jen Powley.