Halime "Bud" Toulaney

I rise today to recognize the life and mark the passing of long-time Dartmouth South community member Halime "Bud" Toulany. For nearly two decades, Bud and his family have run the Hungry Hut on Ochterloney Street. Bud was known for his friendly waves, hard work ethic, and fierce loyalty. He was genuine in his love and care for community and generous with his smiles and kind words for his customers.

As with many Dartmouth businesses, the Toulanys are fixtures of our community. Many remember Bud from his days as a child running around the Toulanys' Prince Albert Road corner store. Bud loved Dartmouth and Dartmouth loved him right back. He will be deeply missed. I ask all members to join me in offering condolences to Bud's parents and his siblings, Raymond, Hana, and Saleem, and on a happier note, to welcome them back as the Hungry Hut re-opens this week.