Out of the Cold - Member Statement

CLAUDIA CHENDER « » : Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize the Out of the Cold Community Association. In the face of the rapidly expanding housing crisis in our province, Out of the Cold stepped up to serve by shifting their operations from a seasonal shelter in the basement of St. Matthew's Church in Halifax to provide permanent, dignified, supportive housing in Dartmouth and Halifax.

Out of the Cold serves individuals of all genders who experience a variety of barriers to housing through a harm reduction approach. The work is hard; it's not always supported, but it is more necessary than ever. Everyone deserves a safe place to sleep. It is essential for all Nova Scotians to thrive, and Out of the Cold offers shelter and true support for those left with very few options in our province.

I ask all members of this House to join me in thanking the team for their incredible work and commitment to vulnerable Nova Scotians.