Kenzie Thornhill & Condemning Systemic Misogyny - Member Statement

CLAUDIA CHENDER « » : I rise to recognize and condemn the recent events at West Kings District High School.

As everyone in this Chamber and at home should be aware, on April 9th, upon rightfully complaining about a misogynistic, degrading, and thoroughly inappropriate shirt worn by a classmate that read "'tis the season to be rapey" - and I will table that - after posting to social media, without identifying the wearer, Kenzie Thornhill was suspended by the Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education. Although the school and the regional centre have backtracked after Kenzie and her peers protested this terrible decision, she has yet to receive an apology.

I ask all members of this House to join Kenzie, her peers, our caucus, and all people galvanized by these events in condemning the systemic misogyny on display in this incident and demanding better.