Tampon Tuesday - Member Statement

CLAUDIA CHENDER « » : I rise today to recognize Tampon Tuesday, an initiative of the United Way, the NSGEU, Halifax Public Libraries, and Events East to collect and deliver menstrual products to community organizations.

Period poverty - not having access to basic menstrual hygiene products - affects women, girls, non-binary, and transgender folks across the province. I congratulate HRM for making these products free in municipal recreation facilities, community centres, and Halifax Transit terminals, and the Province for making them available in schools. We've also seen Dartmouth pharmacies and other private businesses make supplies available to the community free of cost.

I look forward to seeing menstrual products freely available to anyone across the province. Thank you to the organizations who put on Tampon Tuesday and to everyone who works toward eradicating this inequity. Cleanliness should not be a privilege.