Democracy in Dartmouth - Member Statement

Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize Dartmouth's Christ Church and Grace United. In the past year we've been through - I don't have to remind anyone here - three government elections, at least in the HRM.

Today I'd like to take a moment to recognize the work done by these two churches to promote democracy in Dartmouth. At each election they provide a stage - and I can say this from experience - an exhaustive interrogation often lasting several hours, of prospective candidates and Party policies. Even during the pandemic, they found a way to safely host these evenings to ensure that Dartmouth residents had the opportunity to hear from each candidate in a fair and balanced forum that was also available online.

I am indebted to these churches for providing this service which allows residents to really listen to and consider each candidate as they relate to a range of issues that affect those constituents daily on topics from the climate crisis to housing, to poverty and beyond. These churches provide an invaluable opportunity for Dartmouth residents to hear from their prospective representatives.

I ask all members to join me in thanking Christ Church and Grace United for continuing to provide this vital democratic service.