Zuppa Theatre: 20th Anniversary - Member's Statement

MS. CLAUDIA CHENDER « » : I rise today on World Theatre Day to congratulate Zuppa Theatre on its 20thAnniversary. Twenty years ago, a group of fresh graduates came together and began creating theatre. Starting by busking on the Halifax waterfront, Zuppa Theatre is now a world-renowned company. Having toured internationally, they continue to create genre-bending, original, and dynamic theatre here in Halifax.

Next month, they will celebrate their 20th Anniversary by remounting their critically-acclaimed show, Pop-up Love Party, a show that was recently performed in my home riding of Dartmouth South.

Companies like Zuppa are the reason people continue to herald the Nova Scotian theatre scene as world-class, boundary-pushing, and resilient. They exemplify how theatre can impact a community, bring people together, and reflect our lives back to us.

They take this task so seriously that one of their founding members left the company recently to run for office and is now seated to my left, my colleague, the member for Dartmouth North.

I want to thank Zuppa and its members for continuing to create outstanding theatre in Nova Scotia and ask the House to join me in congratulating them on their big 2-0.

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